Aus dem Leben eines Kriegsberichterstatters
Wie kann Journalismus den Herausforderungen des Internet-Zeitalters begegnen? Der ehemalige Reporter Joris Luyendijk sucht nach neuen Wegen, Geschichten zu erzählen.
Joris Luyendijk: ‘The old model of journalism is broken’
Joris Luyendijk: ‘The old model of journalism is broken’
How can journalism meet the challenges of the internet age? Former reporter Joris Luyendijk is looking for new ways to tell stories
Many journalists have mid-life crises when they begin to doubt their capacity to capture the truth in words or escape the media echo chamber. Joris Luyendijk had his crisis early – when he was 31, to be precise. He was Middle East correspondent for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, was widely admired, had just covered the Gulf war . . . and he packed it all in to write a book. A book that sought to demonstrate that it was almost impossible for a journalist to say anything worthwhile about the Middle East, where societies are closed, sources are often in the pay of the secret service, and western media lack the patience to get to grips with “the Arab world”, a term he in any case rejects.